So what exactly can Martial Arts do for your physical fitness and personal health?
By starting our program, you'll be able to:
Shred pounds regardless of your size
- Build muscle throughout your body
- Earn the behind you've always wanted
- Love your new physique
We are inundated with advertisements for supplements and workout programs that promise that they can make you thin without requiring you to do any work.
You know that they're not true, but you probably think about how nice it would be to believe them. People try to look for a quick fix rather than the lifestyle change that is required for those promises to mean anything.
There isn't a quick fix, and we won't promise that our program is easy.
You don't want easy! You want an effective fitness and lifestyle program that is adjusted to your strengths and limitations from day one.
At Gracie Barra West Island, we don't push students to reach for goals that they aren't prepared for, but we do encourage pupils to master the skills that are within their reach while working toward bigger and more substantial achievements.
Your body will set the limits. You work them to your advantage.
The human body is self-limiting, and those who listen to their bodies will know when they are reaching their maximum ability at that time. As they continue to work within the parameters that are established within the body, those limits begin to grow until all students improve in strength and flexibility by leaps and bounds.
All of this is entirely possible, and every part of it is waiting for you if you're ready to dive on in.
Our team of dedicated and expertly trained instructors will offer you the beginnings of the support system that is necessary to succeed in Adult Martial Arts. Additionally, fellow pupils will form a safety net of people who push you to reach your goals and support you through the process.
The support that you need to earn the body you deserve is available through our Martial Arts program.
Joining the Pierrefond's Martial Arts program puts your health, strength and safety first and makes a clear statement that you are important to yourself.
Our Adult Martial Arts Program sets you up for success in all areas of your life.
Our tried and true approach ensures you that every minute of your time at Gracie Barra West Island is valuable and indispensable.
With dedication and commitment, you'll reach your goals and get the body that you want while loving EVERY MINUTE OF IT.
These benefits alone should be enough to get you through the door. In the event that you're still on the fence, I have a question for you.
Do you ever look in the mirror and not like who you see?
I don't just mean the physical appearance, but are you happy with the person who is inhabiting the space behind your eyes?
Martial Arts promises confidence, fitness and, most importantly,
mental clarity.
As you're running this person to ballet and that one to football while trying to arrange for dinner and realizing that you didn't upload the attachment to that email that you sent a few hours ago, do you ever wonder if there is a way to make the chaos stop? I bet you want to just calm down.
Take some time each week for Pierrefond's Martial Arts classes , and your overwhelming inundations with STUFF can become more manageable almost instantly.
By learning Martial Arts, you will:
- Learn meditation to clear the mind while calming the body
- Take control of your thoughts through methods that reinforce self control
- Develop willpower that drives you to achieve your goals
- Overcome fears that stand in your way of progress
- Reduce anxiety through natural and non-medicinal methods
- Reinforce your sense of calm with confidence of physical strength and self defense
It would be silly to just take our word for it, though. There are plenty of people who are more than happy to share their stories of success in Adult Martial Arts at CD Young's Karate In Henderson. Explore what people who are just like you had to say about the program.
Start your new existence with Adult Martial Arts.
We're ready whenever you're ready. Just say yes to:
Better health and fitness
- A smaller waist line
- Workouts that are fun and limited by your body's current abilities
- A renewed sense of patience for every day tasks
- Valuable skills in meditation that help you take control of your thoughts and emotions
- Reduced anxiety levels
- Increased ability to focus on every day tasks and stressful situations
- Confidence that will last the rest of your life
- Respect for yourself and others
- The ability to protect yourself if absolutely necessary
- Empowering yourself to take control of your future
If you're ready for all of that and so much more, the
Adult Martial Arts program at CD Young's Karate In Henderson is for you. Get started now!